Consumer Directed Healthcare Account

The Value of Consumer Directed Healthcare Accounts

The infographic below details the value of consumer-directed healthcare accounts. Learn more from this overview of HSAs, HRAs, FSAs, and other helpful information. What is a Consumer Directed Healthcare Account? A consumer-directed healthcare (CDH) account is a type of medical savings account that: Helps pay for eligible medical expenses Offered through an employer (or, in … More >>

open enrollment

Getting Ready for Enrollment Season

Are you ready for enrollment season? Open enrollment is when you review your benefit options and choose which ones to renew or enroll in for the next year, like health insurance, life insurance, and tax-advantaged healthcare accounts. Whether you sign up for benefits through an employer or enroll through an exchange, you should be ready … More >>

fsa status change

FSA Status Changes and Contributions

In addition to health insurance eligibility, family status changes can impact consumer-directed healthcare accounts. Here’s how mid-year status changes affect FSA and Dependent Care accounts. Can I change my health FSA contributions? Employees may choose FSA participation during open enrollment. This includes deciding on an annual contribution amount up to the IRS-mandated maximum. Health FSA accounts … More >>

Benefits for “Unretiring” Workers

Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, have significantly impacted American society and the workplace. A generation known for hard work and professional loyalty, many were forced to retire early due to pandemic-related concerns. However, many are now re-entering the workforce. Characteristics of the Baby Boomer Generation Although 65 is the traditional retirement age, the Bureau of … More >>

4 Things to Know About Limited-Purpose FSAs

Many of you are familiar with healthcare Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs). Employees set aside a portion of their pay before taxes are calculated and use the money to pay eligible medical expenses. Less well-known is the Limited-Purpose FSA (LPFSA). Here are 4 things to know about limited-purpose FSAs. What do Limited-Purpose FSAs do? The LPFSA … More >>

child care

Child Tax Credit, Dependent Care Program Changes for 2022

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) expanded the Child Tax Credit (CTC) program in 2021 in response to pandemic-related dependent care challenges. This expansion had a chance to be made permanent. However, as 2021 ended, the legislation containing this provision did not pass. Since the advance payments have ended, qualified parents/guardians will receive any refundable … More >>

DCAP Benefits and the Sandwich Generation

Life expectancy in the U.S. has gone up over the years thanks to a variety of factors. However, longer lifespans are creating a conundrum for many Americans. Millions of people in the workforce find themselves caring for their children and aging parents/relatives at the same time. A Dependent Care Assistance Program, or DCAP, can help … More >>

back to the office

Planning for Getting Back to the Office

For over a year and a half, a large percentage of the American workforce has been working remotely. While many employees are happy to continue that model, employers in general are eager to have their staff return to the office. This can be a big adjustment for everyone involved. “The Great Resignation” taking place in … More >>

Summer Camp and Your Dependent Care FSA

School is out for the summer! To combat boredom and keep their kids engaged, a lot of parents turn to summer camps. With options that include fishing, hiking, playing outside, and more, summer camps are a great way to keep your child from the doldrums. Parents and guardians who signed up for a Dependent Care … More >>

FSA and HSA: Can You Have Both at the Same Time?

During enrollment season, a question people commonly ask is, “Can I have an FSA and HSA at the same time?” Both benefit accounts are popular because people want to maximize their tax savings and lower their healthcare costs. Let’s take a look at both accounts and see if you can have an FSA and an … More >>

Questions Employers Need to Ask Before Building A Benefits Plan

A company’s benefits package is a vital tool for attracting and keeping talented employees. It can also improve workforce health and engagement. But with workers who span four generations in today’s labor force, building a benefits plan can be a challenge for employers. Baby Boomers are nearing retirement while Gen Z is just entering the workforce. Meanwhile, … More >>

Award-winning Employee Education and Engagement Program

Award-winning Employee Education and Engagement ProgramEmployer-sponsored healthcare accounts can be hard to understand. That’s why DataPath Administrative Services has adopted a year-round employee education and engagement program for our groups. The Adventures of Captain Contributor, a national-award winning program, is both informative and entertaining. In a series of comic books and videos, Captain Contributor and … More >>

Forms and Materials Library for Employers

Forms and Materials Library for EmployersWelcome to the Forms and Materials Library. You will find a wealth of information about tax-advantaged benefit accounts, compliance questions and answers, commonly used forms, benefit card and system information, and more.  FSA HSA HRA COBRA

Mobile App Overview

Benefits at your fingertips DataPath offers powerful and convenient apps for both the Summit and myRSC administration platforms. Viewing your account balance, submitting claims, and more on-the-go has never been easier! What you can do with the DataPath mobile app: View Accounts – including detailed claim and balance information Card Activity – View transactions and … More >>

Dependent Care Recurring Expense Form

Complete this form to request automatic reimbursement from your Dependent Care Assistance Plan (DCAP) account. Contributions will be reimbursed to you on a per-pay-period basis. By completing this form you will not need to provide continuing documentation. Please complete all fields and include appropriate documentation stating your child will be attending throughout the year or … More >>

Employee Direct Deposit Authorization Form

Use this form to request that a claim reimbursement be deposited directly into your bank account. Instructions for completing this form: Fill in all fields below Attach voided check (no deposit slips) Sign and date form. If the account is not in your name alone, the other account holder must also sign and date form.

Medical Claim Form (Reimbursement or Card Substantiation)

How to Submit a Claim Form All sections of the claim form must be completed in order to receive reimbursement, including signature and date. Claim Form Section 1: Employee Information The following information must be included for each claim: Employee (Participant) Social Security Number Employee Name Employee Address Employee Phone Number Claim Form Section 2: … More >>

Who is Captain Contributor?

Is it a bird? A plane? A flying tax man?!? After a sequence of freakishly unlucky events, a once meek tax man is transformed into a super hero! Captain Contributor’s origin story and his mission to help people save on their taxes is out of this world. And what’s with that form-fitting leotard?  Watch this video to discover … More >>

Captain Contributor Explains DCAPs

” A DCAP, or Dependent Care Assistance Plan, is an employer-sponsored benefit account that helps pay for the care of a qualified dependent. Each pay period, you can make a pre-tax contribution to the account. After paying for care and filing a claim, you receive reimbursement.  Learn more! Captain Contributor – Benefits Super Hero Read DCAP Comic … More >>