HRA Administration

Offer a robust benefits package to attract and retain top-quality talent with an employer-funded HRA, ICHRA, EBHRA or QSEHRA!

Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) of all types - including Individual Coverage HRAs (ICHRAs), Excepted Benefit HRAs (EBHRAs), and Qualified Small Employer HRAs (QESHRAs) - allow both employers and employees to save on the cost of healthcare. These employer-funded accounts help employees with tax-free reimbursement for qualified medical expenses (including health insurance premiums) up to a fixed dollar amount per year.

Why offer an HRA, ICHRA, EBHRA or QSEHRA?

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Increased tax savings

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Higher employee satisfaction

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Compliance with HIPAA and ERISA

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Flexible plan options

Why choose DataPath Administrative Services?

DataPath Administrative Services offers HRA plans with Claims Crossover to provide the fastest possible claims payment to your employees without them having to first file a claim or pay an eligible expense. Our experienced team knows the ins-and-outs of plan setup and HRA administration; we can help you deliver a better overall benefit experience in order to help you attract and retain talent for your company.

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DataPath Administrative Services can set up and administer nearly unlimited plan types, from the simplest to the most complex. When you offer an HRA, you’re in full control over every aspect – funding amounts, contribution schedules, eligible expenses, reimbursements, and much more!

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Our highly experienced team knows the regulatory requirements and will ensure your plan is set up and administered in full regulatory compliance.

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Real-time record keeping

Our system’s real-time record keeping allows employees and employers to keep track of their plans, available funding, reimbursements, and more.

HRA Materials and Forms for Employers

  • materials
  • forms library

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