HSA Administration

Do you have an HDHP?  Save money and help your employees save on out-of-pocket medical expenses with an HSA.

When you offer a high deductible health plan with an HSA, you and your work force can enjoy multiple tax benefits and lower healthcare costs. Any C-Corp, S-Corp, or LLC business entity can participate, including owners and employees.

Why offer an HDHP with HSA?

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Lower premiums

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Increased tax savings through contributions to your employees' accounts

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Higher employee satisfaction

Why choose DataPath Administrative Services?

DataPath Administrative Services has over a decade of HSA administration experience. Our experienced team knows the market and is steeped in industry knowledge. We also have the educational tools and know-how to help boost enrollment in order for you and your employees to maximize your tax savings. 

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One-stop HSA Management

We offer all-in-one HSA management services, with account administration, custodial banking, and integrated investments in a single location. There’s no need for you or your employees to seek additional banking or investing relationships to enjoy the benefits an HSA offers.

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With online enrollment, self-service account management, simplified account funding, mobile app, benefits card and more, our HSA offers a level of convenience you won't find elsewhere.

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Our state-of-the art, cloud-based platform allows employees to store their receipts and other necessary documents electronically. With leading-edge security features, our HSA benefit card reduces the incidence of fraud and abuse.

HSA Materials and Forms for Employers

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  • forms library

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